Acts 6:15
All who were sitting in the Sandhedrin looked intently at Stephen, and they saw that his face was like the face of an angel.
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How would the members of the Sanhedrin know what the face of an angel looked like? What did that sentence mean?
Does the face of an angel hold a special glow? How many of them had ever seen an angel? Did the Saducees believe in angels?
Why would an angel’s face look different from a person’s face? Because an angel has stood in the presence of God? Because he has served God in his throne room?
Moses saw God. His face glowed. But Luke didn't compare Stephen to Moses. He compared him to an angel.
Had Luke ever seen an angel? Had he ever stood in the presence of God?
I know what I see in my mind’s eye when I read this passage.
Stephen had a serenity in the face of danger that could not be explained. He had stood in the presence of God. Had he been one to see Jesus after the resurrection?
Stephen’s face obviously held the light of heaven as he stood before those harsh judges, who sought to do him cruelty.
He probably knew, in that moment, that he was standing on the precipice of eternity. But the glory of the living God not only sustained him, but excited him and spurred him on to give one of the greatest speeches written down in the Word.
Make me like that, Lord! Make me fearless before your adversaries! Light me up too!
Lovely Devotion today, Thank you!
Stephen is so blessed.
Thank you for sharing this Judy !
Thank you for sharing these wonderful thoughts with Roses of Inspiration. I am so thankful you link up every Tuesday - your posts are a blessing. Hugs!
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